As we continue through Lent, with prayer, reflection, and
repentance, we are mindful that we will soon be entering
“Holy Week.” All of Lent points to the culmination of Holy
Week, which is the final week of Lent.
Sunday, April 10th we will celebrate what is called “Palm
Sunday” in the church. Jesus was greeted by crowds
shouting “Hosanna!” which means “Save us!” and they
waved palm branches as would be done for a king with a
celebration of victory. It’s a day when Jesus entered
Jerusalem, knowing the danger, and yet because of his
love, he chose to enter anyways.
Thursday, April 14th is the day that the church refers to
as “Maundy Thursday.” It’s the day when Jesus met with
his disciples in an upper room to celebrate Passover.
Jesus knew at that time that he was heading for the cross,
that he would be brutally killed, and that each and every
one of his disciples would betray him. And yet, even
knowing the pain and heartache that would soon come,
Jesus loved anyways. He made a choice to teach and
model humility and love, by washing the feet of the
disciples. He even washed Judas’ feet, knowing that he
would be the first to betray him, turning him over for 30
pieces of silver. He even washed Peter’s feet, knowing that
Peter would soon deny even knowing him three times. He
even washed all of the disciples’ feet, knowing that they
would all turn away, scattering and abandoning him. Jesus
offers himself to us too, no matter who we are or what we
have done, he gives his love anyways.
Friday, April 15th is “Good Friday,” a day when
Christians solemnly remember that Jesus knows us, every
part of us- the good, the bad, and the downright ugly- and
chose to die on a cross for us anyways. He loves us
anyway. Jesus rose again, celebrated Easter Sunday,
April 17th, and brings those who accept Jesus’ gift of love
back into relationship with God. That relationship that had
been broken by sin is now restored, with Jesus’ offering of
new life through his love. Through Jesus, there is victory
over pain, death, sin, destruction- every broken area in our
life. All because Jesus loves anyways.
If you have not yet accepted that great love that comes
through Jesus, prayerfully consider doing so. It will be the
best decision of your life! If you are already a believer,
already following Christ, and filled with his love, REJOICE!
And live as Jesus did, loving others no matter whatbecause Jesus loved us anyway.
For God so LOVED the world… (John 3:16)
May you experience God’s incredible and abundant
love for you! Pastor Sherry
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