Note From Pastor Sherry
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and
I will be whiter than snow.
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast
spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit
from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a
willing spirit, to sustain me.
Psalm 51
Brrr… it’s winter! Honestly, there are many things about
winter that I am not a fan of- cold temperatures, wind that
hurts your face, extended darkness, and icy roads. Yet
winter can also be beautiful! In the midst of the darkness
and cold of winter, we wake up after a nighttime snowfall,
and behold- everything is white! It’s one of the most
beautiful sights a person can see. The dirty brown soil is
pure, clean white. The empty lifeless branches glisten and
shimmer in the morning sunshine. The evergreens are
laden with layers of cool, soft snow. Even the roads are still
white and clean. And if you go out for a walk, all the sounds
that assault our senses are muffled and silenced by the
The imagery speaks to our spirit. In so many ways we live
in a desolate world. Broken with sin, polluted with
rebellious thoughts, laden with guilt and sin, and
surrounded by profane noise that drowns out grace. And
yet, in the midst of all of this, God breaks in. Grace covers
us and we are restored to beauty; washed with the
forgiveness of God. It doesn’t matter who you are or what
you’ve done, God’s forgiveness and grace are available for
everyone, to be made “whiter than snow.”
How would a person from Florida even understand this
verse? From a picture or movie? But fake, Hollywood snow
is just not the same thing. In the same way, talking about
the forgiveness of God is not the same as experiencing it.
The transformation of our lives through Christ begins with
that beautiful covering of grace. God wants to make our
souls white as snow on a new winter’s day and fragrant as
a spring flower that comes to new life. What glory it is!
Even when we mess up, God doesn’t take our grace away.
Like fresh winter snow, sustained by the crisp, cold winter
air, God sustains us with His Holy Spirit. Just as that fresh
blanket of snow glistens with beauty in the bright sunshine,
God brings freshness, sustained strength, joy, and
continual blessing from the inside out. God gives us a pure
heart. Breaking through our dark and dreary thoughts and
desires, God returns us to purity. A new start. We can find
it hard to be willing to change, but if we turn to God, God
will grant us a willing spirit and sustain us. When we turn
to God, our lives are made white as snow; our souls are
renewed by grace.
February 22nd is Ash Wednesday, which begins the
season of Lent. It’s a time set apart for reflection and
recognizing where we need to continue to grow so our lives
will glisten and shimmer even more, shining brightly with
the grace of God for all the world to see. But none of us
have to wait for a date on a calendar. God calls us to
continually seek to grow through sanctifying grace. I want
to encourage you to take the next step, whatever that may
be for you. Pray about it and ask God what step that is. I’m
always available to talk and pray with you about it and
guide you to your next step.
Pastor Sherry
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